Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications
ISBN: 978-3-939026-87-7
Tagungsband, 2008
Herausgeber der Reihe: Eduard Reithmeier
Band-Nr.: imr 01/2008 PhD
Umfang: 58 Seiten, 82 Abbildungen
Schlagworte: matials science, tribology, mechatronics, knowledge-intensive testing, simulation, modelling
Kurzfassung: Proceedings of the 2nd PhD conference of AI4IA AI4IA is a European Marie Curie research training project. The main objective of this project is to improve the capacity of young professionals to investigate, identify, demonstrate and promote Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques for industrial applications (AI4IA). The research work in AI4IA is structured in 5 clusters, namely materials science, tribology, mechatronics, knowledgeintensive testing and simulation and modelling. These 5 dimensional research spaces cover 11 multidisciplinary scientific research topics, mobilising 11 research fellows supervised by the participating organisation. The second conference of AI4IA was carried out in Hannover, Germany, on May 14-15th 2008, whereby the scientist fellows reported about their current research objectives. These Proceedings contain the latest results of research works, which were also presented during this Conference.