Additive Manufacturing of Optical Lenses for Application in Raman Spectroscopy
Autor: Tobias Grabe
ISBN: 978-3-95900-874-7
Dissertation, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023
Herausgeber der Reihe: Roland Lachmayer
Band-Nr.: IPEG 06/2023
Umfang: 208 Seiten, 85 Abbildungen
Schlagworte: Additive manufacturing, Optical lens design, Raman spectroscopy
Kurzfassung: This thesis aims to characterize, simulate and design additively manufactured optical lenses with a focus on the Multi-Jet Modeling (MJM) process. A literature review on AM processes and materials will be performed. Based on this, an experimental analysis of the optical and geometrical properties resulting from the manufacturing process is performed. Simulation models are identified and derived to enable computer-aided design of MJM-manufactured lenses. Design guidelines for MJM manufacturing optical components are derived to enable a methodical approach to conceptual design. These guidelines allow manufacturing constraints to be considered in the early stages of the optics design. Based on these findings, a process model is developed that considers the specific characteristics and limitations of the MJM process. The process model is illustrated by a collimating lens used in Raman spectroscopy.
The optical properties of the lenses manufactured by MJM and the performance improvements achieved by the new lens design approach are evaluated by simulations and measurements. The outlook discusses possibilities for further development of the presented method and possible future application scenarios.